Wednesday, April 23, 2008

March 6th

Today I had my board patient come in to do a thorough OD and to get all of the x-rays needed for WREB. It was exciting to get all of this done knowing that it is a huge step in completed my education by having a board patient. My patient is such a sweet guy who is so willing to help. I am getting a little nervous because he has some sort of periodontal absess that is in the quad i will be cleaning for boards. I will get him back and clean those two teeth to help it heal and I will just have to submit extra teeth for the exam. I also saw my board patient's wife in the afternoon. I was able to give her an injection which is good because real anesthesia boards are coming up!! My goal is to practice injections as much as I can so I feel more prepared for the real boards because I would really love to pass!


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