Thursday, November 29, 2007

Clinic 11/20

I saw my challenging class 3 patient today and wow was it a clinic day like I used to have all the time! She has diabetes and we take her blood sugar everytime and today it was sky high. We have a physicians consult but it was so high the instructor still wanted me to get the physicians ok. Ittook about an hour and a half to get a hold of the physician and he said yes. So by the time I was able to actually clean I could only finish one quad. I had planned to pass off a lot of PE's on her but I didn't even have time to do one. I am especially frustrated because I have to do the periodontal medicament PE and I couldn't and I don't have another patient to complete it on so I don't know what I am doing to do. I didn't have time to clean the quad that needed the medicament because it obviously had some really deep pockets with a lot of radiographic calculus in them and I wouldn't have had time to finish it completely. It was a frustrating day but I still learned a lot. It was my first time cleaning teeth this semester without a big pregnant belly and it was different but a whole lot easier. The most interesting this about this patient is that I can really see the impact that uncontrolled diabetes has on the periodontium. She had moderate periodontal disease and her tissues were purple they were so inflamed. I made sure the patient understood how important it was to see her physician to get her diabetes under controll. I will have to find some literature on the impact of diabetes on the mouth to educate my patient on the problems it can cause.


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