Thursday, November 29, 2007

Clinic 11/27

Today was my mockboard make up day. My goal today was just to do my best and to learn how the mockboard exam works. And if I pass while I am at it thats just fine! I was so nervous going into the experience because I missed the class day where we went over the paper work in depth. I wasn't as nervous about the calculus removal because I have done that before, it was the paperwork the was the unknown. I survived though and I even passed! My patient was a great patient with calculus that was even better! It seems that the bigger the chunk of calculus the easier it comes off! I only missed one spot and I didn't even use the whole 2 hours to clean the one quad and I even submitted extra teeth. I feel more confident about the board exams now. I hope when next semester comes I will be able to find a good patient that qualifies and I hope I can pass!


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