Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jan. 10th

Today was the first day back at clinic since the Christmas break. I was excited to start this semester because the sooner it starts the sooner we are done!! Today I tried to get in new patients to do OD's so I could start out with the harder classifications. I had a midtown patient come in and she was four quads of a 2 and a friend come in who was also four quads of a class 2. One of my main goals this semster is to speed up. I was able to get both of these patients done in the time I had. I was so excited to leave clinic with 8 quads of a two done! I hope I can keep getting good classifications. In the weeks to come though I need to start working on more PE's. I am about halfway done with the PE's so I need to get everything into gear so I can finish all of my requirements before I graduate!


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