Jan. 31st
I had an OD today! It was the wife of H.'s board patient so I had high hopes for her! I was hoping to use her for mockboards next week and for the board exam as well. Unfortunately she didn't qualify even for mockboards so all I did was the OD and she will come back for 4 quads of a 2. I also had an OD on the patient that cancelled on me last week. I knew deep down I shouldn't have rescheduled him but I was desperate. Anyways, he cancelled last minute with a lame excuse and I once again was left patient less. Luckily another classmate came to the rescue and had a patient I could call. She was 4 quads of a 2 and I was able to finish her all at once and even had a decent scaling time. At least I am improving my times somewhat. So now I am practically done with my class 2's but have no mockboard for next week. I am pretty stressed about it! I don't even have a patient OD'd who doesn't qualify to come in for the mockboard. I am not sure what to do but I guess I need to figue out something. My goal for next week.... FIND A MOCK BOARD PATIENT!! Easier said than done!
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