Well, my worst fears came true today! All of those nightmares I have about my patient not showing were confirmed. My patient decided not to come and left me high and dry. I was really dissapponted because I was all ready to take a full series on him and everything. Good thing for family! I was able to call my husband and he left work for an hour and a half and came to help me out. I was able to complete his OD at least. It was almost a good thing my patient didn't come because I have a really bad cold! The cold had moved into my eye so my eye was watering and freaking out. At least my husband was my patient so he wasn't totally disgusted that his clinician looked like they had pink eye. I have no idea why my patient didn't come today though. I tried calling but all I got was voice mail. I hope he calls back so I can reschedule him. But I am a little nervous to reschedule him because he could no show again!!
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